Social Impact Project for Marketing Expert to Support Tanzanian Farmers

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience on projects like this one.

Project Description and Impact

Simusolar was created as a social enterprise (company with a mission) to increase rural incomes. We do so by providing solar-powered-systems the improve rural productivity: solar water pumps, solar fishing lights, solar fridges. We've been doing it since 2017 and are at a point to scale up and support more farmers, livestock keepers, and fishers. 

Being as we are a for-profit company serving a low-income audience in a challenging environment, we cannot afford expert marketing resources to ensure that we learn and improve our offering, that we create awareness among the right segments and effectively convey our value to them. We need a marketing expert to help us build this capacity, both in our processes / systems and in our people. 

Simusolar has served 1,500 farmers with solar water pumps across Tanzania and Uganda. We are ready to scale and need help in marketing. With your support, we can increase the household incomes and climate change resilience of more than 10,000 farmers in the next 5 years - we need someone to help us build a Marketing function.

Learning Opportunity

You'll learn a ton! You'll learn about how technology is allowing low income farmers to adopt and afford cutting-edge solutions that improve their incomes. You'll learn about mobile financial services in East Africa, which have leap-frogged what is available in the US and Europe. You'll learn about the challenges that farmers in East Africa face due to climate change (longer droughts, harsher rains), but also how companies like ours can make them more resilient. You'll learn what one mission-driven and values-shaped company looks like, and of course a bit about a country and culture that is likely different from your own. 


To be determined with the selected candidate

About the Hosting Organization

Simusolar is a For-profit working on Global Development, Machinery, Renewables & Environment.


In Partnership With

Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurshiplogo