Social Impact Project for Support Haqdarshak with Data & Analytics architecture setup

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Project Description and Impact

The Government of India spends on average INR 2-5 Lakh Crores per year on Welfare. The Central Government’s scheme outlay for Fiscal Year 2023-24 is approximately INR 4.6 lakh crore. It is estimated that there are 20,000+ schemes (not all active or funded) and increasing as new schemes get introduced. However, most beneficiaries/ citizens do not know what benefits and support is available for them at each life need. Even if they know about programs, the process is often tedious and lengthy creating significant friction and access challenges for most vulnerable sections of the population.

Haqdarshak(HQ) is a 7-year organization working to address the information and access gaps in welfare delivery in India. HQ uses an assisted-tech model with its 250+ member team & thousands of agents working in 24+ states. Its technology platform houses 6500+ schemes in 14 local languages, and includes core capabilities such as structured scheme information, eligibility engine, and agent management services. So far, HQ has been able to train 35,000+ agents reaching 3M+ citizens and 35,000+ microbusinesses channeling more than INR 5000 Crore worth of benefits at the last mile.


This project accepts virtual experteers.

About the Hosting Organization

Haqdarshak is a For-profit with social mission working on Public Policy.


In Partnership With

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