Mentoralia A.C.

Organization Details
Mentoralia A.C., founded in 2019 by the team that brought Technovation Girls Program to México in 2013, is committed to reducing the gender gap in IT professions & Leadership by working with local partners to inspire girls, guide and support them in their journey to learn and apply the skills needed to solve real-world problems through technology. Mentoralia has partnered with Technovation (a global tech education nonprofit) to implement, grow, augment, and coordinate the Technovation Girls program in Mexico. In Mexico, Mentoralia collaborates with regional ambassadors, schools, community centers, universities, and tech companies to support clubs where girls work on teams to build a mobile app or artificial intelligence solution and create a business plan that addresses a community problem, while learning coding skills and entrepreneurship. To support the girls, we organize workshops, company visits, and regional and national competitions.
Impact Story
Girls often don't see themselves in technology careers and leadership roles. Through the Technovation program, they have an opportunity to experiment with technology and leadership in a safe and supportive environment, and meet successful women from various tech companies who can become their role models. We have heard from public school teachers that after participating in the program, girls are more motivated to do their best in school, because they can see the opportunities that hard work and education can open to them.