Social Impact Project for Enhancing Project Management and Impact Measurement for Effective STEM
How This Works
As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience on projects like this one.
Project Description and Impact
RAWISE, run by volunteers who are predominantly full-time employees elsewhere, faces challenges in project management and impact tracking due to limited knowledge in these areas. As scientists and engineers, RAWISE members have expertise in their respective fields but may lack skills in effectively disseminating their impact stories. However, as an NGO dependent on donations, it is crucial to share RAWISE's impact widely to attract support.
For example, RAWISE conducts a "Girls in STEM Mentoring" activities, where female scientists and engineers serve as role models and mentors for young girls aged 12-18. These mentoring sessions include interactive workshops, hands-on experiments, and career guidance. The potential impact of this activity is nurturing girls' interest in STEM, fostering self-confidence, and encouraging them to pursue STEM careers. Other activities include "STEM Career Development Workshops”, which target university students and early-career professionals, and cover topics such as scientific writing, grant proposal writing, personal branding, and various aspects of the research ecosystem; ‘’Peer-mentoring”, less experienced members get to learn from senior scientists; and "STEM Policy Advocacy", in which RAWISE conducts research, produces policy briefs, and collaborate with stakeholders, in an effort to influence policies and institutions to promote gender equality in STEM.
Learning Opportunity
Collaborating with RAWISE offers the experteer a unique opportunity to contribute to an organization run by passionate volunteers with scientific backgrounds. By assisting in project management and impact tracking, the experteer can gain insights into managing projects within a volunteer-based structure and develop creative solutions to bridge the knowledge gap. Additionally, working with RAWISE allows the experteer to learn about the challenges faced by NGOs in effectively disseminating impact stories to the public and donors. By helping RAWISE create an impactful reporting strategy, the experteer can contribute to RAWISE's sustainability and witness the positive transformation brought about by empowering women and girls in STEM fields.
This project accepts virtual experteers.
About the Hosting Organization
Rwandan Association for Women in Science and Engineering (RAWISE) is a Non-profit working on Education, Information Technology (IT), Professional Training & Coaching, Research.