Global Leading Light Initiatives

Organization Details
Global Leading Light Initiatives (GLLI) is a non-profit organisation with a mission to combat poverty among women and youth in low income communities through a multi-pronged approach that incorporates technology, entrepreneurship development, and financial inclusion. Ibali Lam is a rapid incubator that uses digitital transformation, entrepreneurship training and financial inclusion to suport women-owned businesses to innovate, digitize, grow and increase employment. SurfSMART provides internet safety programs to students and their ecosystem in schools in the Eastern Cape and Cameroon. LL-Tech provides IT repairs and entrepreneurship training to unemployed youths to start and run successful IT repairs businesses in their communities.
Impact Story
Digital transformation of women-owned businesses: We provided training, coaching, internet connectivity and tablets to 105 women-owned rural businesses to build and online presence and become more competitive.
Training of unemployed and underemployed youth, women and military veterans in the repair of mobile devices: We trained a total of 65 youths, women and military veterans in the Eastern Cape to repair computers and mobile phones and start-up successful IT repairs businesses. Each participant received in-kind capital at the end of the training, coaching and technical support to run successful businesses in their communities.
Internet Safety and STEM Education: We provided Internet Safety education to over 7000 students in 31 schools in the Eastern Cape. We recently facilitated a cross-cultural robotics program for American and South African teenagers which took 10 teenagers from Port Alfred to Chicago and hosted 10 of their counterparts from Chicago in Port Alfred.
Entreprise creation and entrepreneurship development: We Facilitated the creation and sustainability of 21 successful IT-related businesses and supported 72 existing ones through entreprneurship, business compliance and investment readiness training, as well as investment linkages.
Diverse Social Enterprise
The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.