Social Impact Project for Videographer to support smallholder farmers in Tanzania

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience on projects like this one.

Project Description and Impact

Our social enterprise tries to reach as many smallholder farmers in Tanzania who have some experience with market agriculture to improve their yields with water pumps. In Tanzania however, seeing is believing. Many clients want to see our pumps in action before they commit to them. A visual is everything. Doing this for each client however, some who are more than 100km away from our closest office, is improbable. That's why we're looking for a videographer experteer to help us create some video content to educate and engage potential clients!

Our social enterprise is planning to equip our sales staff with tablets so that they can visually demonstrate our pumps to farmers. Your video is just what would achieve this! With our sales staff of almost 30, we can use the tablets to demo our pumps effortlessly to half of Tanzania, removing the need for the sales team to carry 3-4 large solar panels, 10kg pump, and other equipment we would need to show the pipe pumping water for each demonstration. With these videos, farmers who are watering by hand or using expensive fuel for pumps would understand what a solar pump can do for them.  

Learning Opportunity

 This is a great way to learn more about the social impact and sustainable agriculture space in Tanzania as part of our great team!


To be determined with the selected candidate

Travel Stipend

To be determined with the selected candidate

Food Stipend

To be determined with the selected candidate

About the Hosting Organization

Simusolar is a For-profit working on Global Development, Machinery, Renewables & Environment.


In Partnership With

Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurshiplogo