
Organization Details
Simusolar serves East African smallholder farmers with solar water pumps to irrigate their fields. Committed to increasing rural incomes, we offer a variety of productive tools and equipment, payable in installments to make them affordable. Equipment includes both power generation and its applications: irrigation, small business, milling, and more. Having searved over 20,000 people to date, Simusolar has 120 staff across Tanzania and Uganda and is growing to reach more. Co-Founded by Marianne Walpert, with over 10 years experience serving off-grid Tanzanians, the team is 99% Tanzanian and Ugandan, ensuring local opportunity and insights.
Support Needs
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Impact Story
In the US, solar systems have saved money for consumers and businesses, a welcome addition to their household finances. In East Africa, systems 1/100 the size of the average US household are making an even bigger mark on savings and income, transforming the lives of communities without power. Our clients, who earn $2-5/day, are farmers, fishers, teachers, drivers, barbers, mechanics, tailors, guards, and more, often at the same time. They are multi-skilled but cannot grow any single business because they lack access to energy, machines, and the financing to grow. With our equipment and financing plan, the average customer doubles their income in a year. Moreover, they are in a position to provide value-add services that transform the local economy, reducing migratory pressure and increasing local opportunity. And they do so while greening the earth. That's the vision we're realizing.
Diverse Social Enterprise
The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.