Social Impact Project for Digital equipment selling feature in AgriShare App - India Cohort

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience on projects like this one.

Project Description and Impact

AgriShare App has made significant strides in transforming the agricultural landscape by successfully implementing a platform that connects farmers with essential resources such as equipment and labor. This has allowed countless smallholder farmers to access the tools they need to increase productivity, improve efficiency, and ultimately boost their livelihoods.

Given the success of the equipment and resource hiring feature, AgriShare is now expanding its offerings by integrating an equipment selling feature. This enhancement is part of a broader series of integrations aimed at creating a comprehensive platform that meets the diverse needs of farmers, from acquiring to maintaining and now owning vital agricultural equipment and resources.

However, as a social business, AgriShare operates with limited resources. We are committed to sustainable growth and ensuring that each new feature added to the platform is both impactful and sustainable. To achieve this, we recognize the importance of leveraging external expertise and learning from the experiences of others who have successfully navigated similar challenges. By seeking support and collaboration, we aim to avoid potential pitfalls and accelerate our growth trajectory, ultimately benefiting the broader agricultural community we serve.

The expertise and support we seek will be instrumental in refining the new equipment-selling feature, ensuring it is user-friendly, accessible, and meets the actual needs of farmers. Furthermore, it will help us integrate lessons learned from other successful initiatives, avoiding common hurdles and ensuring that our growth remains sustainable and aligned with our mission to empower farmers through technology.


Learning Opportunity

By working with AgriShare, an experteer will gain invaluable insights into the unique challenges and opportunities of implementing digital innovations within the African context. AgriShare's approach of blending both digital and offline strategies provides a practical perspective on how to reach and engage diverse user groups, including those in remote and underserved areas.

The experteer will also benefit from AgriShare's extensive experience in navigating the complexities of operating a social business. This includes dealing with resource limitations, understanding local agricultural practices, and fostering community trust especially when it comes to operating a digital platform like AgriShare. The experteer will learn about the real-world challenges faced by entereprenuers in Uganda, farmers and how technology can be tailored to meet their needs effectively.

At AgriShare we are committed to continuous learning and open knowledge-sharing. The experteer will be part of a dynamic environment where lessons learned are not only applied internally but are also actively shared with others, contributing to a broader impact beyond AgriShare. This collaborative and transparent culture will allow the experteer to both contribute to and learn from the ongoing evolution of the AgriShare platform even in other departments of the company.

In addition, there is much more to learn from interactions and our unique journeys and understanding why or how we do what we do.


This project accepts virtual experteers.

About the Hosting Organization

AgriShare Uganda Ltd is a For-profit with social mission working on Farming, Machinery.
