Social Impact Project for Brand Strategy/Marketing Expert to Support our Organization

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience on projects like this one.

Project Description and Impact

Advocate 4 Liberty" is a registered nonprofit organization in Walldorf. We assist women who find themselves in challenging situations and have difficulties establishing themselves in regular employment. We accompany them on their journey towards an independent and self-sufficient life.
Through sustainable vocational integration, counseling, further education, and vocational training measures, we help our beneficiaries start anew in society. Our goal is to guide women from dependency to a self-determined life of freedom, to encourage them, and to strengthen their self-confidence. By discovering their potential, they learn to dream again and believe in a positive and meaningful future.

How we help:

Counseling and vocational integration for refugees and women who suffered violence.

Our organization advocates for the vocational integration of Women coming from difficult life circumstances. We focus mainly on supporting traumatized Women, including refugees who have experienced severe traumatic events, as well as people who have been victims of violence. These women require exceptional support and a safe space to process their experiences and improve their situations. 
Most Of them are at high Risk Of becoming long-term unemployed. Many have spent significant time without work and face substantial challenges when reintegrating into the job market.
Our main objective is to provide our beneficiaries with opportunities for vocational integration, to enable them to lead a life of freedom and self-determination, and to integrate them into society. Through our counseling services and the opportunity for vocational integration in our social fashion label Dress2bless we aim to offer them a new perspective and help them regain confidence in their abilities and strengths. We consider each person's individual resilience and gradually increase the number of working hours.
In our counseling services, we provide information on qualification opportunities and offer assistance in filling out applications, job searches, and creating application documents. We offer German and computer courses, other qualifications, and further education opportunities in our social fashion  label dress2bless.


This project accepts virtual experteers.

About the Hosting Organization

Advocate 4 Liberty e.V. is a Non-profit working on Education, Fashion, Professional Training & Coaching.


In Partnership With

Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland (SEND)logo