Social Impact Project for Marketing Expert to Support Product Entry in US
How This Works
As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience on projects like this one.
Project Description and Impact
Tamul is a UNDP/UNEP (SEED Low Carbon Award 2013)-awarded social enterprise working in North East India tackling the twin challenges of extreme poverty and environmental sustainability. Over the last ten years, Tamul has successfully produced and marketed environmentally-friendly biodegradable disposable dinnerware, made out of sturdy palm tree leaves, through community-owned micro-enterprises and has created 4,500 dignified jobs for the extreme poor in these states. Tamul dinnerware products provide quality green alternatives to urban and global customers.
Tamul has successfully marketed its products in India, and has established a presence on More recently, Tamul’s products have been picked up by a few US buyers, but the company feels there is much greater potential to expand into this market. It seeks advice from a marketing expert to help it develop an actionable online (ex: Amazon) market entry strategy.
Learning Opportunity
- Oppurtuntiy to directly work with a social enterprise in India
- Oppurtunity to create a lasting impact in rural North East India
- Oppurtunity to understand and gain knowledge on various aspects of entrepreneurship
This project accepts virtual experteers.
About the Hosting Organization
Tamul Plates Marketing Private Limited is a For-profit with social mission working on Packaging and Containers.