Macramedecor Craft Pvt Ltd

Organization Details
IndianYards™ is a social enterprise empowering women from rural & tribal communities of The Nilgiris using craft and commerce as a medium. We upskill them to become first generation artisans and subsequently enable them towards their socio-economic wellbeing with livelihood generation being the core focus.
Impact Story
While we have livelihood generation for women from low income groups at the core of our agenda, we also have sustainability and responssible production as guiding principles for everyday decision making.
We are currently impacting 21 women from 4 villages with an INR 10k monthly income and we currently handcraft all our products using 100% cotton cords that are made using recycled yarn. We promote and encourage working from home model hence, enable the women to continue caring for their children and manage their households whilst earning a decent livelhood.
Diverse Social Enterprise
The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.