Social Impact Project for Growth & Scaling Experteer
How This Works
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Project Description and Impact
Africa requires more than $300 billion in investment capital to achieve universal electricity access by 2030. On the other hand, the capacity needed to produce a watt of solar power enough to run a small light which in 2008 cost $4, has come down to $1 (world Bank, Lighting Global). In Uganda the majority of energy-poor people live in rural or peri-urban areas and have little purchasing power, solutions such as expanding the national grid are neither financially feasible nor a political priority. According to the Uganda Rural-Urban Electrification Survey in rural areas, 58.1 percent of households use kerosene for lighting and over 89% of rural households are not reached by the grid compared to the still inaccessible 34% unconnected in urban areas.
We are an “energy-access” and last-mile distribution company with an annual turnover of 180,000 USD (2018), 42 employees, a product portfolio of 5 solar homes-systems traded in a sales network of above 400 sales end points in rural regions in Uganda. Since 2014, we have distributed 24,000 energy appliances mainly for household use and, thus, reached more than 100,000 people.
We offer a last mile delivery of solar light systems and deployment of short messaging service (SMS) and USSD technology for aggregating energy demand, payments, quality customer service and impact assessment at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP).
The company is led by a young Ugandan business men who has proven his leadership skills by building the sales network, designing the energy products traded with international (mainly Chinese) suppliers and developed a data-base of customer needs in rural Uganda.
To be determined with the selected candidate
Living Stipend
To be determined with the selected candidate
Travel Stipend
To be determined with the selected candidate
Food Stipend
To be determined with the selected candidate
About the Hosting Organization
OneLamp Uganda is a For-profit with social mission working on Consumer Goods, Oil & Energy.