Social Impact Project for Marketing Experteer to Support a Mentorship Program
How This Works
As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience on projects like this one.
Project Description and Impact
Global Girlhood (GGH) is a primarily Gen Z, women-led community that inspires storytelling, fosters intercultural dialogue, and represents the heights women and gender-expansive people soar. Thus far, we've primarily focused our efforts on storytelling, gathering over 65 stories of women and gender-expansive people who are between ages 15 to 73 and live across all continents. We've published these stories along with empowered reactions from other women and gender-expansive people across the globe—encouraging our 10,000+ community members to recognize the vast nature of empowerment and challenge social, cultural, and geographical biases.
Now, we'd like to offer a Leadership Development Hub to our members. With this initiative, we'd guide our global community to develop and execute grassroots community-based projects to address a social issue that impacts them—whether their impact takes on the research, culture and arts, educational, or corporate spheres. As we'll help our members build international teams, we hope our members will acquire a multilayered mindset with these projects: we'd like them to promote intercultural and intergenerational dialogue about empowerment, maintain a global lens, and focus on their community as they address their chosen issue.
Due to the pandemic, GGH has primarily functioned online. As the world opens up, we hope to keep mobilizing our community and building global connections and awareness despite human contact no longer being restricted to online mediums. We'll need help designing our project to meet our audience's needs, updating our current marketing strategy and related measurements to match the changing world, and training our team with a sustainable and resilient strategy that may be applied in all verticals.
By supporting us with this, you'd help multiply grassroots-based community projects on an international scale, uplift marginalized voices, and equip them with tools to address the issues that impact them most.
Learning Opportunity
- global perspectives and variances—including within the marketing sphere
- the organizational capacity of a GenZ activist leadership team
- social media's role in mobilizing and connecting youth activists
- the impacts of representation on marginalized people
- the immense scope of empowerment for women and gender-expansive people across the globe
This project accepts virtual experteers.
About the Hosting Organization
Global Girlhood is a Non-profit working on Civic & Social Organization, Education, Graphic Design, Non-Profit, Online Media, Writing and Editing.