Social Impact Project for Institution Manager for Communication and Partnerships
How This Works
As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience on projects like this one.
Project Description and Impact
Founded on the 9th of February 2002, TOBBY VISION COMPUTERS INSTITUTE( with a vision to train with practical skills and improve the lives of students and their families and with mission to boost high quality practical technological education for employment and poverty alleviation needs an experteer Institution Manager in charge of the Communication and Partnerships, you have two principal missions: first, to develop and pursue a communication strategy informing about Tobby Vision Computers Institute projects to different categories of audiences; second, to coordinate searching for and establish partnerships with organizations interested in supporting Tobby Vision Computers Institute activities.
Learning Opportunity
Experteering with us, you will have opportunity to discover more about our community, its challenges, culture etc.
There is housing available (a room, kitchen, and toilet) inside an apartment and we offer some local foods for free.
Food Stipend
There is housing available (a room, kitchen, and toilet) inside an apartment and we offer some local foods for free.
Additional Benefits
A friendly working environment with staffs always ready to help during your integration in a new country.
This project accepts virtual experteers.
About the Hosting Organization
Tobby Vision Computers Institute is a For-profit with social mission working on Education, Global Development.