Social Impact Project for Finance Experteer to Support Rural Entrepreneurship Initiatives in Cameroon
How This Works
As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience on projects like this one.
Project Description and Impact
Local Communities in Cameroon are characterized by high levels of poverty and malnutrition. Moreover, the region’s productivity has been in recent years, increasingly affected by climate change. In order to cope with increasing social, economical and environmental challenges, smallholders and producers have decided to come together and adopt best practices in farm and business management.
The project aims to improve market, credit and innovative technology access, access to climate resilient techniques and practices in order to increase smallholder farmers’ productivity and revenue in a sustainable way. The project specifically targets women and youth in the Kombe, Compina and Mbanga communities of the Littoral Region and intends to increase work opportunities for smallholder farmers in general specifically, youth and women. It targets approximately 300 people, that in majority will be women, youth .
CAS Cameroon since its incorporation has had as goal to empower smallholder farmers and associated small busineses, lifting them out of poverty in a sustainable manner.
Our activities over the last two years has seen us train over 200 women on best farm and management practices, train 30 youths on best community practice when it comes to local business development, and train 2 local traditional councils on best practices when it comes to management of community projects.
The above project would further equip our team in core arears;
1. It would help our team develop better materials necessary for training and building community entrepreneurs.
2. It would train our team on how to design better grant proposal for the development of a training center for women and youth.
3. Give us skills on how to fund raise and generate impact investment for local entrepreneurs. .
Our ultimate goal is to set a framework and strategic plan for empowering 100,000 women and youth agricultural and small business entrepreneurs by 2030.
Learning Opportunity
A professional experteering with us has a series of advantages;
1.The experteer get to work with dynamic team members, sharing in their experiences and the team members also benefiting from the experteers knowledge.
2.All our experteers would be given the opportunity to Learn French as a second language when with us.
3.An experteer would would given an opportunity to learn about the economic potential of Cameroon and the CEMAC subregion.
4.The experteers gets to work with grassroot communities and gain in-depth knowledge on how these community members live.
Additional Benefits
Experteers choosing to work with us would have the following benefits:
1.Opportunity for touristic travel and enjoy our rich diversified culture.
2. Opportunity to eat and share our local meals.
This project accepts virtual experteers.
About the Hosting Organization
COMMUNITY AGRO SERVICES LTD is a For-profit with social mission working on Consumer Services, Impact Investing, Warehousing.