Social Impact Project for “Enhancing Agricultural Yields and Improving Farmers’ Income through Agritech
How This Works
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Project Description and Impact
Essymart is one of the innovative start-ups in the Agri-Tech sector & one of the very few companies providing end-to-end solutions & services to the farming community in Uganda. We are building AI-enabled technologies to revolutionize supply chain & production efficiency in the farming sector. Currently, we are operating in Busoga agrarian sub region with an extensive network of 5 Essymart Centers & 30 farmers groups 5 FPOs, serving 4,000+ farmers. We also provide AI-enabled crop advisory to farmers for 10+ crops in regional languages. We need support on how to build our brand in the market.
This project accepts virtual experteers.
About the Hosting Organization
Essymart Africa is a For-profit with social mission working on Farming, Food Production.