Social Impact Project for Business Strategy and HR - EMEA cohort
How This Works
As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience on projects like this one.
Project Description and Impact
Ekonoke combines scientific knowledge & technology to sustainably grow climate-resilient hops indoors. Grown-indoors in a controlled environment using exclusively renewable energy, Ekonoke brings reliability to hops production (quantity & quality), using 90% less water, 99% less GHG emissions & using no pesticides.
Ekonoke has perfected growth recipes for multiple hops varieties & is improving selection bioprocesses to ensure maximum yield, top quality and safeguard biodiversity. Scalability is guaranteed by its customized platform to ensure absolute control over growing parameters, automatize most agricultural tasks and forecast regular harvests of fresh hops.
This project accepts virtual experteers.
About the Hosting Organization
Ekonoke is a For-profit working on Biotechnology, Farming, Food Production.