Action Lab for Development

Organization Details
Action Lab for Development (ACTLAB) was founded in 2016 and legally authorized in 2018 by the government of Cameroon (Authorization No. 79/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS of 5/12/2018). ACTLAB is Organization in United Nations Special Consultative Status since 2020. Ultimately, we aim to empower people through providing quality knowledge and thereby contributing to sustainable development in Cameroon and beyond it.
Mission and Objectives
It is Action Lab for Development’s mission to maximize growth and support development by building on the potential of local innovators.
To carry out said mission, ACTLAB will:
- Provide educational tools and opportunities, focusing on creative innovation and entrepreneurship, for those involved in local initiatives.
- Promote social welfare and encourage business participation.
- Facilitate networks of knowledge-sharing between entrepreneurs, institutions, and other organizations
- Reimagine social business environments by mentoring young entrepreneurs.
Support Needs
We’re looking to improve our new business development with:
CrowdfundingImpact InvestingInnovationNonprofit Operations andWeb Development
Impact Story
Action Lab for Development partnered Tobby Vision Computers (TVC) and MovingWorlds USA which sent a volunteer Mr. Carlos Eduardo Botia Diza from South America to the TVC in 2016. He trained for three months 14 trainees (10 boys & 4 girls) in Entrepreneurship in our laying down the foundation for the entrepreneurship course and developing the curriculum which we submitted to the government for approval. Trainees developed the following business projects arose from this course; Update and Publication of a Computer Science manual for secondary schools, Publication of a Mathematics Manual for technical and commercial schools, a restaurant, a bakery and a poultry farm which are all running and doing fine.
Secondly, Action Lab partnered Tobby Vision Computers (TVC) still in partnership with Movingworlds USA we trained 11 trainees (9 boys & 2 girls) enrolled in the school this April and May 2018 for three weeks in Entrepreneurship and Creative Innovation leading to Action Lab. The training was carried by a Movingworlds volunteer Jaime Garcia who came from Japan to TVCVET Center Bambui, Cameroon.
Thirdly, in partnership with Business Enablement Germany, fourteen Action Lab and School staffs and trainees (10 males and 4 females) were trained in Business Strategy by Mr. Olaf Seidel from A&O Business Enable Germany for two months last year and developed the TVC-VET Social Business Investment case for 2019 and beyond.