Based in France

Hello Marseille

A Non-profit

How This Works

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Organization Details

Hello Marseille is a young non-profit project based on the experiences of our team after several years  around the world working with the civil society or travelling. Our community projects settle in social areas where an ethical project has the most chance to serve as an example for the local civil society.

For our first project, we settled in Marseille, the oldest city in France and one of the wildest cities in Europe. Marseille was founded 2600 years ago by the Greeks meeting another, more ancient civilization, the Ligurians (already here for several thousands of years). Thanks to its rich history of cultural exchanges, it has become a true social 'melting pot'. Marseille has also been elected the European Capital of Culture 2013.

Impact Story

Our intent is to implement a very "down to earth" ethical project, where real life and theory brought together can give their best synergy. Experimenting with community self-management, we are building-up our common knowledge whilst using collective intelligence mechanisms that follow from the original ethical goals of the project.

In addition to performing the economic activity of a normal hostel, we keep in mind that our goal is not economic, but societal, i.e. we want to fulfill all the aspects of what a societal project means:

  • professional: we want to demonstrate proficiency and the possibility for societal projects to outperform the old-school economic approach.

  • pedagogic: we learn, create, improve and extract non-profit professional methodology to openly share it with others and improve our personal skills and capabilities

  • social: we promote human values as a basis for developing projects

  • ecologic: we care for our environment and the impact of our activities

  • sustainable: we create practices and a lifestyle for long term development, as opposed to "programmed obsolescence"

ethical: we are in the "white market" as opposed to grey or black market. Everything is made to benefit the society we live in, being transparent and open-minded.