
Organization Details
aQysta is a spin-off of Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, located in the YES!Delft Incubator. aQysta is developing innovative hydropowered pumps, which use the energy from flowing water sources such as rivers or canals to pump water without using any fuel or electricity. aQysta strives to offer a solid value proposition to its customers while creating a positive impact in the world.
aQysta's first product, the Barsha Pump ("Barsha" means rain in Nepalese) has been sold in 12 countries across 4 continents, while scaling up the implementation of the Barsha Pump on a global scale.
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Support Needs
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Civil EngineeringEngineering
Impact Story
In irrigation water cannot be decoupled from energy. Raising water from rivers and canals and distribute it to the crops requires pumping of water with a sizeable amount of pressure, which is usually generated by means of electric energy or by fuel-driven pumps. This turns into a substantial increase of energy consumption and capital expenditure, which has become a real concern for farmers and their communities worldwide. In a context exacerbated by the ongoing climate change, farmers need to reduce their water footprint by means of water saving irrigation technologies while optimising their energy costs for pumping, with the aim to ensure long- term economic and environmental sustainability.
The team of aQysta develops hydropowered water pumps that create access to cost-efficient irrigation or serve to make existing irrigation schemes more cost efficient, in a sustainable manner.