Based in Nigeria


A For-profit with social mission

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience with organizations like this one.

Organization Details

We are solving the problem of  healthcare accessibility and affordability. For the informal sector, They earn daily income and are not covered under any form of health insurance as such pay out of pocket. If they need healthcare it means they loose income for the day.  By taking it to them helps to create access without disturbing the economic activity of the patient. We take mobile clinics to the markets and health connectors deliver care right at their stalls or homes. We are also reducing the "unseen cost" of healthcare access by way of journey time and waiting time.

Impact Story

Our impact stems from providing healthcare to already impoverished communities  who do not have means to seek for health therefore we bring healthcare to their natural habitat, homes /markets so they can add healthcare to their shopping bags. We have also trained community connectors to be custodians of their health by giving back packs to health connectors that contain simple medical devices like BP and sugar meters to be used for simple health measurements and when point of referral should be. We have provided health services to over 300 000 people who would not have had access over 5 years. Provision of jobs to over 40 staff and over 100 indirect staff. 60 % first time face to face/virtual medical consultations.50% of recipients of care are first time diagnosis of hypertension and 30 % diabetes. Communities reached are over 1000.Community health creators being trained from community to community.We have also managed 6 mobile clinics accross the country.

Diverse Social Enterprise

The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.

Owned & Led