Based in Cameroon

Promotion of Sustainable Development in Donga Mantung (PROSDOMA)

A Non-profit

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience with organizations like this one.

Organization Details

PROSDOMA is registered in conformity with law No.90/053 of 19/12/1990, Ref No.152/E27/750/BAPP/PS. PROSDOMA is in Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since July 2024.

We work and collaborate with an amazing list of partners(Civil society, NGOs,Government and Councils) to create tangible positive impact on sectors ranging from sustainable food production and processing to landscapes. Restoration to sustainable waste management to regenerative agriculture and biodiversity conservation and combatting societal ills like illegal logging in the Mbembe forest reserve.

Our Objectives are :

  • To ameliorate the living conditions of our members.
  • Ameliorate crop production and the value chains(Food production and processing).
  • Promote and encourage biodiversity conservation.
  • Empower farmers in modern techniques of farming.
  • Fight against illegal logging ,poaching and environmental terror.
  • Support and encourage the restoration of degraded landscapes.
  • Our main goal is to establish and create an enabling e

Impact Story

PROSDOMA (Promotion of Sustainable Development in Donga-Mantung) is an umbrella association made up of individual farmers,Common Initiative Groups,Associations Farmers Union, Farmers Federations and Cooperatives founded by John Ngeh Jato.


PROSDOMA has made remarkable success in  promoting an equitable food system in the North-West region of Cameroon.Actually, PROSDOMA works 60000 farmers(livestock and crop farmers,agroforestry farmers) to enhance quantitative and qualitative food production and processing.


PROSDOMA equally engages councils and communities in restoring degraded landscapes with youths and famers playing the frontline role.

Diverse Social Enterprise

The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.

Other Diverse Group
Owned & Led