Based in Uganda

Smart Foods Limited

A For-profit

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience with organizations like this one.

Organization Details

Smart Foods Limited is a food processing company focused on value addition to soybean. We focus on R&D and product commercialisation with a linkage to women farmers who produce specific soybean varieties processed into patented Coconut-soymilk Yoghurts, soy seasoning powders, soymilk, firm tofu and soy based porridges.

Impact Story

Our work involves transforming the life of our vulnerable consumer who is either malnourished and has no access to quality protein rich food, or an affluent who is actually struggling with heart related and or non communicable diseases. We are able to design products that are able to support the revitalisation of their lives at the least cost. Furthemore, we empower specifically women farmers who are often left out in the soybean value chain. Our role is to support them with access to seed, capacity building services and a market at a premium price for their grain

Diverse Social Enterprise

The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.

Owned & Led