Based in Rwanda


A For-profit

How This Works

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Organization Details

Iraady Ltd is a FinTech startup operating in the United Kingdom and Rwanda, dedicated to transforming how non-profits and social enterprises in Africa fundraise, operate, and scale. Through our innovative platform, Fund Nest, we empower local non-profits that face barriers to accessing global crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe due to geographical restrictions. Our mission is to bridge this gap, providing these organizations with the tools they need to raise funds, retain donors, and achieve their goals, thereby amplifying their impact in their communities​​​.

Impact Story

At Iraady Ltd, our purpose is to empower African non-profits and social enterprises by giving them the tools they need to overcome the challenges of fundraising and donor engagement. Through our platform, Fund Nest, we provide a solution to the geographic limitations that often prevent these organizations from accessing global crowdfunding opportunities. Our goal is to help these organizations grow, retain their donors, and maximize their impact within their communities. By streamlining the fundraising process and offering resources for capacity building, we support their efforts to drive meaningful change and achieve their missions.