Based in Luxembourg


A For-profit with social mission

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience with organizations like this one.

Organization Details

kroW is a Luxembourg organisation dedicated to social innovation and well-being at work. Approved by the Ministry of Labour, kroW works with individuals and companies to improve the quality of life at work and promote professional fulfilment. They offer a range of services, such as consultancy, social climate analysis and psychosocial support, based on innovative methods and in-depth analyses. Their aim is to help individuals overcome career obstacles and realise their full potential, while supporting businesses in creating a positive and stimulating working environment.

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Impact Story

The kroW company presents itself as a "reliable and supportive partner" whose mission is to help people facing professional difficulties. The organisation is approved by the Luxembourg government's Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy.
Here are some of the positive impacts kroW aims to have:

●Helping individuals overcome career barriers and realise their potential.

●Providing tools, resources and support to people experiencing professional difficulties.

●Help businesses improve working relationships.

●Support companies experiencing high staff turnover, redundancy, an employee burnout or a redundancy plan.

kroW also offers practical solutions, such as:

●Skills mapping

●Diagnosis of the social climate


●Solutions to psychosocial problems

●Management tools (analyses, coaching, talent revelation)

kroW supports people in a variety of situations, including:

●An unanswered application●
An atypical CV

●A lack of experience in Luxembourg

●A career change