Based in Kenya

A Moran: TGiAM

A For-profit with social mission

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience with organizations like this one.

Organization Details

A Moran: The Great I AM (TGIAM) is a social enterprise and youth network focused on empowering African youth aged 8-35 through education, mentorship, and entrepreneurial support. Our mission is to foster a new generation of African leaders—A Morans—who will defend, develop, and build their communities. By leveraging technology and experimental sciences, we aim to drive sustainable community and economic growth, transforming Africa into a thriving hub of innovation and enterprise.

Impact Story

A Moran: The Great I AM (TGIAM) exists to address the urgent need for youth empowerment and economic development in Africa. Recognizing the immense potential of Africa's young population, we are dedicated to transforming the lives of individuals and communities through education, mentorship, and entrepreneurial support. Our mission is rooted in the belief that by nurturing the talents and aspirations of young Africans, we can create a generation of empowered leaders—A Morans—who will champion sustainable development and drive positive change across the continent. We focus on holistic youth development, combining traditional wisdom with modern innovation, to cultivate resilient, resourceful, and visionary individuals ready to build a brighter future for Africa.

Our impact is already being felt across numerous communities. For example, through our partnership initiatives, we have provided scholarships and learning resources to underprivileged youth, significantly improving literacy rates and academic performance. Built mentorship programs that have connected aspiring entrepreneurs with experienced industry leaders, resulting in the successful launch of multiple small businesses that now provide employment and stimulate local economies. Additionally, our focus on technology and experimental sciences has equipped young people with the skills to innovate and solve pressing challenges in their communities and helped us come up with various great innovations that will create change in our areas of business.One notable success story is that of a young woman from Kenya who, through our support, developed a sustainable water purification system that now provides clean drinking water to her entire village. These stories are just the beginning of our journey to transform lives and foster sustainable development throughout Africa.

Diverse Social Enterprise

The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.

Owned & Led
People with Disability
Owned & Led
Ethnic & Racial Minority
Owned & Led