Based in South Africa

Training and Resources in Early Education (TREE)

A Non-profit

How This Works

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Organization Details

Training and Resources in Early Education (TREE) which has been in existence for the last 39 years, has been providing quality training and capacity development to the South African Early Childhood Development (ECD) Workforce. Our mandate remains to reach economically marginalized communities who face abject poverty, have limited or no access to essential services, and are disenfranchised in terms of accessing holistic ECD services. Our footprints are in seven provinces, i.e., KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo and Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, Gauteng and North West. Our vision is to establish ourselves as a globally recognised institution and a thought leader in the advancement of universal access to quality early childhood education throughout Africa and the world. Through capacity building, partnerships, advocacy work, resource mobilisation and knowledge management, we are able to achieve our mission.

Impact Story

Centre Based Programmes

TREE provides training in accredited National Qualification Framework (NQF) Level 4 ECD qualification and skills development including a wide range of Early Childhood Development (ECD) enrichment courses. Through this capacity building, TREE aims to support ECD teachers to implement quality, holistic and developmental early childhood programmes both in the formal centre based as well as non-centre based programmes This training model is led and facilitated by a team of highly qualified, well rounded trainers all of whom possess strong, successful character traits.

 Non-Centre Based Programmes

o   TREE’s ECD Site Support programme provides holistic and sustainable programming targeted at community based ECD site stakeholders: Practitioner, Supervisor, Governing Body and Parents/Caregivers.  The aim of the programme is to strengthen the quality of care and programming available to young children in line with current legislation. 






Diverse Social Enterprise

The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.

Other Diverse Group
Owned & Led