Based in India

EnAble India

A Non-profit

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Organization Details

EnAble India is a not-for-profit organization working for economic independence and dignity of persons with disability (PwDs) since 1999, impacting thousands of PwDs and stakeholders. Considered to be a pioneer in employability and employment of persons with disability, EnAble India has catered to the needs of 21 disabilities listed in the RPWD Act, 2016 and more.

Our vision is “A life of dignity for persons with disability!”.

Our mission is “To celebrate human spirit by enabling unification of ecosystems around persons with disability”.

Impact Story

EnAble India aims to catalyse persons with disability to co-create a world where they are valued members of society with a better quality of life. We work towards enabling the path of economic independence and dignity for persons with disability in India and unleashing disability (purple) sector as an engine for economic growth for all citizens.

We believe that the nation and the world will benefit from seeing persons with disability as change agents and serve as a constant reminder for the need for inclusion of everybody, where people reach their full potential by finding solutions. This will also enforce the perception that PwDs are independent contributing members of society.

We have impacted almost 5 Lakh individuals including persons with disabilities and their families in 35 states and union territories in India. In the past 24 years, EnAble India has collaborated with 810 companies and 234 partner organizations across 1364 locations in more than 100 countries.

We have opened up 410 job roles across 34 sectors. We have built more than 12 models and frameworks to train employable persons with disability, and includable leaders capable of leading the change. In fact, EnAble India’s models and content are used across many organizations not only in India but also in Africa, Asia, Europe and America.