Third Horizon Earth

Organization Details
Third Horizon Earth works with regenerative pioneers to shift humanity from “business as usual” into the flourishing futures they are showing are possible. A community supported nonprofit, 3HE provides nonpartisan peer-based intelligence and tools that present these new approaches and help to catalyze action while advocating for enabling environments that promote regenerative transitions locally and globally.
Impact Story
Regenerative development innovation is the only fundamentally different approach to a sustainable development agenda that has not and will not deliver on its promises. Product and service innovations are increasingly recognized as inadequate to do the job.
Fortunately there is a rapidly growing, but still early stage, community of innovators designing with holistic strategies in systems. This emerging movement and its practices are not widely understood, they don't have agreed metrics, markets, or financial mechanisms. And, they are still little know and in siloes. Their approach is radically different, yet many of these innovators are making these systems work.
Third Horizon Earth is a nonpartisan actor exclusively devoted to the wellbeing and knowledge devleopment in this emerging field and to ensuring that we can identify what is working and share it with others innovating in the space. Systemic innovation strategies cannot be copy-pasted like many of those in today's markets. The service we provide is finding, contextualizing, and sharing from the perspectives of the innovators doing the work and curating these stories and emerging research and expressive work in a single source web site.
We are born out of a community of regenerators and believe that what we are doing is of value to them and to the world. We're testing over the coming three years to validate and elaborate the best ways to achieve these goals and to accelerate regenerative devleopment practice and thought.
Diverse Social Enterprise
The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.