Based in Kenya

NairoBits Trust

A Non-profit

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience with organizations like this one.

Organization Details

NairoBits closes the digital divide for underprivileged youth. We equip them with the critical tech skills needed to not only land high-paying jobs in the tech sector but also become the tech-savvy changemakers their communities need. By empowering them to innovate and solve challenges, NairoBits breaks the cycle of poverty, creating a ripple effect of prosperity for individuals, families, communities, and Kenya's future. 

Impact Story

In Kenya, the future is digital, but access to opportunity isn't equal. NairoBits exists to bridge that gap. We empower underserved youth with the critical digital skills they need to thrive in the modern economy.  Imagine young people who can not only secure high-paying tech jobs, but also become the innovators and problem-solvers their communities need. That's the impact we create. By equipping them with the latest tech knowledge, NairoBits breaks the cycle of poverty, transforming individual lives and fueling Kenya's economic development. Our graduates are more than employees; they're the tech-savvy changemakers shaping a brighter future.