Based in Kenya

Futures Infinite Education

A Non-profit

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience with organizations like this one.

Organization Details

Futures Infinite is a social enterprise with a mission to prepare young people for the future of work as leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs. We collaborate with schools, teachers, volunteers, government, civil society, and the public and private sectors; to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and exposure they need to succeed in the marketplace.

Impact Story

Kenya’s education system is failing to meet market needs, as it does not prepare the labor market entrants with appropriate skills (World Bank 2016). One million youth join the workforce every year, which means that Kenya needs a million new jobs every year for the next 10 years to keep up with the rapidly expanding youth bulge. Of these youth, only about one in five is likely to find a formal job, with the rest either being unemployed or engaged in some non-wage earning occupation (UNDP 2017). Failing to find a solid link between academics and the “real world,” many youths do not develop the skills demanded by employers. There is a mismatch between what youth learn in school and the skills needed at the workplace. What is needed is a systematic and concentrated approach to equip youth with skills, mindsets opportunities that will transform them into successful job seekers, job creators, and a hopeful generation of youth living with disabilities and focused on making a positive impact in society.

Since 2010 we have reached +856,000 students in +1,400 primary and secondary schools, +600 teachers and educators, and involved +300 private sector volunteers with our programs. 

Diverse Social Enterprise

The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.

Other Diverse Group
Owned & Led