Based in Australia

Social Traders

A Non-profit

How This Works

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Organization Details

Our vision is to create a thriving social enterprise sector that significantly contributes to a more inclusive and equitable Australia.

Our mission is to work collaboratively to deeply integrate social enterprises into business and government supply chains.

Our community grows everyday, and currently includes 600+ certified social enterprises and 150+ business and government members.

Impact Story

We have now catalysed $843 million in contracts for certified social enterprises over the last six years. FY23 was the biggest year yet, and we’re tracking $74 million ahead of our ambitious Vision 2030 targets. Our business and government members are growing at an average of 29% every year. In FY23, they've increased their commitment to social enterprise. 58% increased their spend and 69% increased the number of certified social enterprises they buy from.

But what we’re most excited about is the end result - that certified social enterprises are becoming more sustainable and increasing their impact. 86% of certified social enterprises increased or maintained their trading revenue. 77% increased their spend on delivering impact, and 67% increased the number of people they support. And - there are now certified social enterprises in every state and territory, growing nationally at an average of 16% every year. 

The reason that matters – the reason we are here – is to build a fairer and more equitable Australia. Over the first six years of delivering Vision 2030 - as a result of social enterprise procurement spend - there have been 7,439 jobs supported and over 810,000 training hours for people otherwise shut out of work. There has been over $68 million delivered in affordable and accessible community services. Over 23,000 tonnes of waste has been diverted from landfill. And over $10 million has been donated to charity partners. These outcomes show the power of the social enterprise model.