Organization Details
Through Global Fund as Sub Recipients of Care International in Kenya, Kenya Red Cross Society and Amref Health Africa we carryout Human Immuno Deficiency Sydrome (HIV) and Community Tuberculosis (TB) interventions. Since then we have built a substantial development and community programme, targeting around over 10,000 beneficiaries in Kenya per year.
Impact Story
Vision: Healthy empowered and Peaceful society.
Mission: To improve the quality of lives through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in communities.
10,490: Female sex workers (FSWs) reached with HIV prevention programs as per the defined package of services
5,140: FSWs Tested for HIV
1,051: FSWs initiated on PrEP
45: Community Volunteers engaged
145: Peer Educators engaged
4,553: Children and adults screened for TB
25: Linkage assistants engaged in community TB care
2: DICEs established and fully functional
115: PWIDs reached with HIV prevention programs as per the defined package of services
28: Health Facilities supported
Diverse Social Enterprise
The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.