Plymouth Housing

Organization Details
Plymouth Housing provides permanent supportive housing for single adults that have experienced chronically homelessness. Currently, Plymouth operates 19 buildings and serves 1,200 people across King County.
In addition to providing safe and permanent housing, Plymouth has on-site services like case management, health care, and 24/7 staffing. Many residents have chronic and acute needs, such as physical disabilities, mental disorders and substance use disorder. Supportive services helps those with high-needs make positive changes in their lives that lead to stability.
Housing is the first step in helping those who face homelessness transform their lives. Our comprehensive approach provides hope. Our dream is one where every person has a home and a better quality of life.
Impact Story
In King County, over 13,000 experience homelessness on any given night and over 4,000 of those people have been homeless for a year or longer.
At Plymouth, the model of permanent housing coupled with on-site supportive services gives residents the solid base they need to rebuild their lives and leave homelessness behind forever.
Unlike a shelter—which is not intended to be a long-term living situation—permanent supportive housing (PSH) is a true home. One can stay for as long as they like. PSH also addresses the root cause of someone’s previous homelessness by providing customized services on-site.
For example, if a resident is struggling with their mental health and also uses a wheelchair, they could be connected with counseling, plus regular medical care to navigate their physical limitations. All of these factors may have contributed to their homelessness in the first place.
Because PSH offers such customized support, this method of housing statistically leads to positive outcomes for individuals. At Plymouth Housing, one of the largest PSH providers in the Pacific Northwest, more than 95% of people remain stably housed long-term.
Diverse Social Enterprise
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