Organization Details
Changeroo is a cutting-edge online software solution designed to boost Theory of Change thinking. It is rooted in the philosophy of a Theory of Change as an interactive and living document, serving as the cornerstone of impact management, and fostering a culture of continuous learning focused on optimizing impact in co-creation with stakeholders. Thus, it helps purpose-driven organizations, programs and projects develop a learning culture toward societal value creation.
Changeroo targets any impact-driven organization that seeks to professionally manage and optimize its societal impact.
Impact Story
Many organisations seek to contribute positively to the world. From social enterprises, (development) NGOs, and charities to large corporates, intergovernmental organisations, and national and local governments. From social entrepreneurs and policy makers to grant makers and impact investors.
To achieve the (systemic) change we seek, requires critical thinking, scientific input, a learning attitude, and co-creation with many stakeholders.
Theory of Change (ToC) thinking is the perfect cornerstone for this style of impact management. Indeed, Theory of Change thinking is an important countermovement to a growing trend toward populism, quick fixes, good intentions without reflection, and opinions without substance.
Unfortunately, there’s a lack of tools and infrastructure to truly apply Theories of Change for learning purposes and for optimizing impact. This hurts organizations’ impact bottom-line and limits their ability to raise funding. It directly harms their core purpose, which is to generate societal value.
Our web-based solution supports entrepreneurs, managers, policy makers, NGOs, and researchers to develop high-impact interventions. A platform for rigorous thinking, collaboration and learning about societal value creation: what works, why, for whom, and under what circumstances.
Our impact comes from helping shape impact-driven organizations that cultivate a learning orientation toward impact optimization, thereby resulting in higher-quality impact strategies and change ideas that are more tangible, measurable, strategically sound, communicable and engageable. At a societal level we seek to contribute to an economy and society that sets higher expectations and demands regarding reflection, analysis, intentions and results in the area of social impact.