Organization Details
Ebenezer Clinic and Diagnostic Center-IBANDA is a private for-profit medical facility that provides quality and affordable healthcare solutions in Western Uganda. We specialize in preventing and treating non-communicable diseases (NCDs) that affect our community, such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. We have been operating since 2015 in Ibanda Municipality, serving over 8,000 patients annually, most (60%) afflicted with NCDs and their complications. However, we also see patients with communicable diseases (such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis). We have four main segments of customers: self-requests, corporates, seniors, and Ankole pastoralists. Our vision is to be the center of excellence for healthcare services and products in Uganda. We want to be recognized as the leading provider of quality and affordable healthcare solutions that meet the needs and expectations of our customers and partners.
Impact Story
Ebenezer Clinic and Diagnostic Center-IBANDA is the ultimate destination for your health care needs. We provide quality and affordable healthcare services and products that prevent and treat non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases even though we also cater to patients with communicable diseases. We have a new product, the wellness center, that leverages technology through new media channels to revolutionize access to healthcare for clients with NCDs. Our wellness center provides holistic care that addresses the physical, mental, and social needs of our clients with NCDs. It also empowers them to manage their own health and engage in treatment plans by providing them with vital tools for monitoring their blood pressure and blood glucose levels. We are the only facility in Ibanda and the surrounding areas that offers cardiology tests and management, using the latest equipment and techniques. We are also a referral center for diagnostics, with a fast and reliable courier system that delivers the samples to our partner Lancet laboratories. This extends the diagnostic capacity of the wellness center to South Africa for some specific tests. Our turnaround time of 1.5 hours, ensuring that our clients get timely and accurate results. We are more than just a medical facility. We are a social enterprise that cares about the well-being of our community and the environment.
We currently see an average of 8,000 patients annually, which is 12% of the Serviceable Obtainable Market. We offer some services for free to be able to give back to the community. Last year, we immunised over 1,200 babies against childhood immunisable diseases and 500 women with family planning products for free in partnership with Mariestopes Uganda. We managed over 500 patients at the height of COVID 19 in 2020/21 and we were the only private medical facility who admitted mild to moderate cases in Ibanda District.
Diverse Social Enterprise
The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.