Pyro-degrade Waste Management Ltd
Organization Details
At Pyro-degrade Energy we developed a technology from the ground up that enables us to safely and efficiently produce fuel from plastic waste. Our core product is Pyro-diesel, a cleaner and more affordable diesel substitute used in powering up any diesel engine without any modification to the engine. This is mainly because plastic is a byproduct of crude oil so essentially the two are similar products only that Pyro-diesel is a synthetic version. Our business model involves direct selling of the fuel to consumers or setting up processing plants for organizations with the capacity to run their own processing plant which allows them to produce their own fuel from their own plastic waste which they would have otherwise incurred an extra cost to dispose of.
Impact Story
We realized that plastic waste is a waste management problem and not a plastic problem. For this to be addressed we needed to come up with a solution that is safe and ensures that we can put to use plastic that is disposed of or that has reached the end of life.
Our solution has both a direct and indirect effect on the environment. As part of our licensing process, Pyro-diesel had to be subjected to lab testing and comparison to ordinary diesel, and from the tests Pyro-diesel performed much better than ordinary diesel, especially in the Sulphur levels where Pyro-diesel is almost Sulphur free. This is however just a small part of the impact involved when using Pyro-diesel. To produce Pyro diesel plastic waste is the raw material and for each liter of Pyro diesel produced 1.3 kg of plastic waste is consumed and completely eradicated from our environment. This is plastic that would have most probably ended up in our dumpsites since we only recycle about 10% of plastic waste and would have ended up being burnt causing bigger environmental issue since for every 1kg of plastic waste burnt in the open 6-8kgs of Greenhouse gases are emitted to the environment. Pyro-diesel is produced in a safe and clean environment with minimal emission levels since the breaking down of the plastic waste takes place in a vacuum chamber with the by-products in the process being synthetic crude, synthesis gas, and ash all of which are handled safely and have other uses. Our process is powered up by Pyro-diesel making it self-sufficient.
Diverse Social Enterprise
The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.