
Organization Details
LandPrint is revolutionizing regenerative agriculture through the LandPrint Rating System (LRS), an innovative measurement framework that leverages advanced digital technology and precise measurement protocols. This system creates corporate environmental offset programs and monetizes the environmental assets of farmers by measuring and providind third party verified certificates on the environmental well-being of individual properties or entire supply chains. Accessible through our digital platform, the LRS and its indicators enable continuous strategic planning and validation of crucial information for financial institutions, corporations and farmers to improve the environmental quality and performance of properties and supply chains
Impact Story
LandPrint was established in response to a key problem we identified: the lack of scalability in regenerative agriculture. This primarily stems from farmers' lack of incentives to alter their current practices. The pricing of food is predominantly driven by supply and demand dynamics and product quality indicators, disregarding the manner in which a farmer manages ecosystems and responds to climate changes. Traditional financial loans and mechanisms, as well, do not account for environmental attributes when determining farmer's (better) financial terms, despite positive economic outcomes arising from the adoption of regenerative agriculture. Such significant aspects persist as economic externalities, or elements not taken into account when pricing food. As a result, farmers lack incentives to adopt more responsible agricultural methods. They bear all the risks of transition and are not compensated for the ecosystemic services they provide. Essentially, they're asked to shoulder all the risk transitioning to regenerative agriculture, whilst simultaneously providing essential ecosystem services our society needs to function, free of charge.
By implementing the LandPrint Rating System (LRS), we're offering a tangible and scalable way of recognising, quantifying, and rewarding farmers' environmental efforts. By creating corporate environmental offset programs and monetizing farmers' environmental assets, we provide the incentive necessary for a broader adoption of regenerative agricultural practices. LandPrint, therefore, plays a significant role in encouraging a new form of agriculture that is not only sustainable but also economically incentive-driven, thereby fostering a much-needed shift towards more responsible farming globally.