Based in Switzerland

Global Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship

A Non-profit

How This Works

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Organization Details

The Global Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship is the largest multi-stakeholder coalition in the sector hosted by an international organisation. The Alliance and its 100 members - corporations, investors, philanthropists, governments, researchers, media, and industry actors - are uniquely positioned to contribute to building social innovation movement. The Global Alliance is hosted by the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship and the World Economic Forum. 

Impact Story

Members of the Global Alliance work together to: 

1. Learn and share insights: With leaders in social entrepreneurship and the wider Forum platforms and networks, enabling access to different perspectives and strategic intelligence for collective growth.

2. Incubate & roll out collective agendas: Work with members on rolling out action agendas at quality, scale and speed required to enable social entrepreneurs.

3. Increase the sector's influence: Leverage the power of the World Economic Forum's community on behalf of social innovators, convening partnerships for impact.