Based in Uganda

Bera Care Medical

A For-profit with social mission

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience with organizations like this one.

Organization Details

Bera Care is a healthcare company that is dedicated to providing accessible and personalized  maternal care services to expectant mothers and teenage girls. We aim to revolutionize the healthcare industry by leveraging technology and innovation to improve patient experiences and outcomes.
 We offer remote diagnosis and preventive services via video calls and
chat, allowing mothers to consult with health workers. This approach not only provides convenience, it reduces the need for physical visit and provides a platform fo requesting ambulances for emergencies.

Impact Story

To reduce the maternal mortality and neonatal mortality rates.

To reduce the inequality in access of health care services caused by the 3 delays.

Diverse Social Enterprise

The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.

Owned & Led