Preserve Botanica

Organization Details
Preserve Botanica is a young agro-processing and startup biotechnology company in George South Africa. We prepare special botanical preparations from hops for the brewing communities around the world. Our engineering division design new processes to decarbonise the hop industry and our pharmaceutical subsidiary Preserve Therapeutics have innovated a novel, first in class plant based therapeutic drug called LupuXan against Drug Sensitive Tuberculosis and Drug Resistant Tuberculosis.
Impact Story
We have piloted a process to apply sustainable practices to reduce agricultural waste and upcycled new products from hop co-products to be applied in new brands and to revitalise existing brands for global large brewers. This initiative reduces the burden on land, improve yields and divert capital spent on new fields. Our pharmaceutical solution has been tested in Vitro and are ready for clinical trials to determine efficacy and safety. In spite of new generation drugs being developed, treatment regimes for TB are riddled with serious side effects, long treatment times and unaffordable costs with 10 million global deaths annually. We hope to make a positive contribution to reduce the burden of TB and reduce and prevent deaths related to MDR-TB by 2030.
Diverse Social Enterprise
The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.