
Organization Details
When thinking about sustainable travel a lot of people only have in mind how they get to a place and come back home. However, the way the accommodation is operating and the behavior of the people in place has a significant impact as well. 83 % of travelers say, they want to travel more sustainable friendly, but they do not know how. With more than 150 sustainable certificates in the field, they quickly give up and fall back to common habits of traveling unsustainable friendly. Our platform ChargeHolidays brings transparency into the label jungle. Our Sustainability Dreamcatcher tells the traveler how the accommodation behave in which sector (from waste management and local supply chains till the social treatment of the employees). Above that, the platform enables the traveler to calculate his/her emissions and directly compensate them as well as filter accommodations in regard to suitable e-charging stations.
Impact Story
Our business was founded in autumn 2021 directly as a Purpose company. This enables us to stay true to our value and guarantee that we lead the start-up with the goal of maximizing the positive outcome for the whole society. With our platform we have made huge progresses since we founded the start-up, conducting a lot of market research, setting up a whole booking platform and getting several thousands (~5800) accommodations on board. Consequently, we do not only motivate people to travel more sustainable friendly, making social and environmentally friendly choices and having fun while changing their behavior, but also support accommodations to change the way they are operated. We raise awareness and educate about the importance of a sustainable revolution in the travel industry, having a big impact on the way people move around the world.
Diverse Social Enterprise
The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.