Mothers Manifesting Miracles

Organization Details
Mothers Manifesting Miracles is a social enterprise based out of the Washington DC Metropolitan area. We provide pregnancy and postpartum community care services and complementary eco-friendly products for new families. Our premier products include reusable breast pads, cloth diapers, potties, and traditional hair and baby wraps. With community care services, products and programs, Mothers Manifesting Miracles aims for improved maternal health care, and ultimately community care by encouraging families to embrace sustainability from the start. Through community maternal health care programs focused on nutrition and growing food, connecting to nature and other climate action activities, we seek to bring health equity to black communities.
Impact Story
Mothers Manifesting Miracles was founded to improve black maternal and infant health outcomes and promote sustainability. Through community health care programs focused on nutrition and growing food, connecting to nature and other climate action activities, like education and use of reusable mother and baby consumer products, we seek to bring health equity to black communities. Some of our latest projects we use to create impact among our community include our life under the sea education program, our materal wellness walks, and seed starting.
Diverse Social Enterprise
The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.