Sheer Love Rwanda

Organization Details
Sheer Love Rwanda supports street children by providing resources that enable them to reintegrate into the community, support their education, and empower their families to create a safe environment to live and thrive. Sheer Love Rwanda has a unique approach to youth reintegration. Sheer Love first locates children living on the streets of Kigali and attempts to track their family members. If no family can be found, it then becomes Sheer Love’s mission to find a supportive foster family for the children. Sheer Love ensures the student's success by providing school fees, and school supplies, and empowering their families to become supportive homes for these children. Additionally, Sheer Love Rwanda aims to ensure that no additional children join the street by collaborating with parents and educating the community about the importance of youth education and development.
Impact Story
We have been able to provide essential services and resources to 44 children to fully reintegrate into the community, go to school, receive mentorship, access healthcare services, and learn basic computer skills. We are so proud of their progress in school and their social life-changing. It is a win for our community and we strive for more. Valentine is one of our girls who are excelling in their education.
Valentine is an 11-year-old girl passionate about science and lives with her caring and loving single mother and her younger sister, Carine. Her mother's lifestyle changed significantly since Valentine joined Sheer Love Rwanda, transitioning from sex work to selling fruits in the neighborhood. She is now motivated to work hard to provide for her family and support her children's education, as they excel academically and love attending school.
Despite the challenges of being raised in a single-parent household, Valentine remains determined to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor. She maintains good grades and actively participates in extracurricular activities. With the support of Sheer Love Rwanda, Valentine is able to attend school and thrive in a supportive community.
The personalized tutoring and mentorship provided by Sheer Love Rwanda have significantly contributed to Valentine's academic success. She gained the confidence and skills needed to excel in her studies and navigate the barriers and challenges she faces as a low-income student.
Valentine aspires to become a doctor who positively impacts her family and community by providing support and help to those in need.