Based in United Kingdom

United Connection Ltd

A Non-profit

How This Works

As part of the TRANSFORM Support Hub, you will learn how to advance your career while getting hands on experience with organizations like this one.

Organization Details

We match people with relatable role models based on their life journeys. We work with education & training providers to inspire their students by showing them well worn paths forward from where they are, and then partner with recruitment providers to facilitate career progression. In addition to this, we provide on going support to manage and reflect on life, with calendars/todo lists and questionnaires/habit trackers respectively.

Impact Story

We exist to help people that are struggling to figure out what to do with their lives or are unsure of how to move towards their existing goals. We're making positive impact by support individuals to explore themselves and reflect on their lives, so they can orient themselves towards something which they find meaningful.

By seeing authentic life journeys of others, people can:

  1. Overcome fears of failure, as they see others failed to
  2. Understand their own limiting beliefs & mindsets, as they can see how others think
  3. Broaden their horizons, as they can see whats already been done from a similar position to them