GreenTwist Agency

Organization Details
We are a social enterprise advertising agency who helps our clients develop brands who are different.
We do that by empowering creative talents from under priveldged backgrounds, people who have a different story and point of view than the rest of the advertising industry.
We help them develop the needed skills needed to make advertising, and set them in a team of other under-privileged creatives to create campaigns and brands for our clients.
We know that hiring people with different life stories is the only way to produce creative campaigns that buck the trend of non-effective ads.
Impact Story
We want people who wouldn't be able to get into advertising to develop their skills, and find team mates to create a better economic situations, for themselves and their comunitites.
Our goal is to have former convicts become an art director,
A breat cancer patient develop a campaign for a bra company
A former cotton field worker the production manager of a fashion campaign launch.
We want people who have gone through incredible stories, to be able to tell them, and help the brands brave enough to campaign on them, to have effective creative campaigns