Based in United States

Americans for Middle East Understanding

A Non-profit

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Organization Details

Since 1967, AMEU has sought to afford American audiences a deeper appreciation of the Middle East's cultures, histories, politics, and peoples.  We do this by promoting education and publishing original content, primarily via our flagship publication, The Link, as well as by sponsoring educational programming. We focus particular emphasis on Israel/Palestine, and the justice and rights issues that pertain there, and the global ramifications of the absence of peaceful resolutions to longstanding conflict. 

Impact Story

Americans for Middle East Understanding was founded over a half-century ago by Americans whose professions in medicine, church ministry, archaeology and diplomacy had taken them to the Middle East, and recalled for them the need to create in the United States a deeper appreciation of the culture, history and current events of the region. From the outset, AMEU aimed to both disseminate original information of value, as well as publicize and amplify the voices of like-minded organizations; we continue that commitment today.

Five times each year we direct our readers' attention to a single critical issue related to the Middle East, one that is usually not covered in depth—if at all—in the mainstream press. Over the years, our authors have included leading voices from the US or the Middle East, as well as the less well-known, including politicians, cultural leaders, activists and scholars. The subject matter we explore is diverse, and includes the historical as well as the contemporary. Our subscription fees have always been modest, toward ensuring broad access by people from all walks. We supplement user fees with targeted fundraising, and we particularly focus our distribution on hundreds of public and school libraries. Through these publishing and awareness-raising efforts, we believe we have deepened American understanding of some of the complexities of the Middle Eastern region.