Ocean Plastic Technologies (Pty) Limited

Organization Details
The Ocean Plastic Technologies circular economy begins with a network of Micro RecyclingPlants (MRPs).
These containerized units process reclaimed ocean, ocean-bound and post-consumer or commercial waste plastic on a much smaller, more sustainable scale than large material recovery facilities. Mobile, the MRPs can be strategically located as close to the source of waste as possible.
The MRPs are used to process all categories of plastic and once sorted, the collected plastic is cleaned and shredded. The processed plastic is then recycled back into the economy at a price that makes the cost of using recycled plastic comparable to virgin plastics.
This means the opportunities for using recycled plastic to make new products are endless. Within the FMCG and general retail environment, recycled plastic could easily be used to replace most packaging.
Impact Story
Ocean Plastic Technologies builds and operates Micro Recycling Pods (MRPs) that
process reclaimed ocean, ocean bound and post consumer waste plastics locally and
at source to prevent this plastic from entering waterways and oceans, allowing postconsumer
plastics to efficiently and conveniently re-enter the established supply chain
while eliminating toxic emissions and reducing our carbon footprint.
Environmental and Economic Impacts
Jobs per Pod - 3+ direct with 40+ community
Plastic removed from the environment 152 000kgs (annual)
60% of post consumer waste diverted from Landfills
Lets help the world Reclaim, Recycle, and Recover
Diverse Social Enterprise
The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.