Silid Aralan, Inc.

Organization Details
Silid Aralan Inc. (SAI) is a non-governmental organization in the Philippines that aims to give low performing, underprivileged students confidence in their own capabilities as a means of affecting their academic performance for the better. Silid Aralan, Inc. currently offers two programs for its learners: the Ground Zero Program and the iLEAD Program.
Impact Story
SAI believes that every individual is intelligent, thus, it helps low performing students reach their full potential. It equips them with the necessary skills, both academic and non-academic, to ensure that they can cope up with their subjects, get equal opportunities at a college education and equal opportunities to pursue their desired career path. What makes SAI unique are our learners (beneficiaries) that begin as low performing students and end as school academic achievers and its holistic approach in addressing the problem in public education.
Diverse Social Enterprise
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