FARIAD (Fair River Int. Association for Development)

Organization Details
Fair River International Association for Development is an indigenous, private, voluntary, non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 1998 (registered company limited by guarantee registration number CG056222020 with tax identification number: C0048805300) and registered charity number DSW/3338). FARIAD was registered in 2015 with the Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (CTVET) as a Workplace Training Provider, and formally accredited by the National Vocational Training Institute (NVTI) to provide training in vocational skills. Focused on marginalized and vulnerable groups, FARIAD aims to reduce hunger and poverty. To this end, FARIAD works with community and local government structures to provide training and services on agriculture and food security, primary health care, economic development, technical and vocational education and training (TVET), good governance, and human rights, Environmental Preservation, Science, Technology and Innovation.
Impact Story
Youth unemployment remains a pervasive challenge in the Nkwanta North District and the nearby catchments. Agriculture, dominated by crop and animal production, is experiencing a serious decline in productivity, a situation which leads to the diminishing contribution to the Region. This situation is attributed to a number of factors which include but not limited to access to agriculture inputs. Fair River International Association Development is a farmer focused organization that support production of commodities in rural areas through the provision of technical trainings, agricultural advisory services, and farmer-base association support
Entrepreneurial/Business skills training is an integral part of most training programs implemented by FARIAD. Entrepreneurship is part of the life/soft skills provided with the aim of ensuring a smooth transition of beneficiaries from training into world of work. The soft skills trainings are provided simultaneously with the technical skills training. Fair River International Association for Development (FARIAD) is a farmer focused organization that support production of commodities in rural areas through the provision of technical trainings, agricultural advisory services, and farmer-base association support.
Since 2002, FARIAD have been providing mobilization, training/capacity building, and technical guidance with good agricultural practices, micro business/micro enterprise start-ups and income generation services, support to local farmers and producer groups and sourcing good markets for the in-country produce.
Our Programs
Community Development, Agribusiness and the Management of Microenterprises, with gender as a crosscutting issue
ICT 4 Agriculture and Agribusiness, Agro-Processing Technology, Agricultural Mechanization, Solar Technologies, Information and Communication Technology, Agribusiness / Entrepreneurship / Gender Makes Business Sense – (GMBS)
Diverse Social Enterprise
The TRANSFORM Support Hub is committed to accelerating diverse owned and led enterprises to build more equitable and resilient supply chains.